Dr. Kampon Sriwatanakul
Current Posts
- Chairman of Thailand National Charter of Health
- Holistic Wellness Group Leader, Thailand Wellness Association
- Chairman of Thailand Wellness Tourism Network
- Advisor, Mae Fah Luang University Hospital, Chiangrai
- President of Reviva Medical Group
- President of Stemcera Co.,Ltd. (Regenerative Rehabilitation Center @Piyavate Hospital)
- President of Vitastem Global Network
- President of Innopro Medical Group
- President of Biosky Medical Group
- Medical Director of Herb Treasure
- Medical Director of LNG0168 Corporation
- Founder and Chairman of Thailand Alternative Medicine Network (TAMN)
- Advisor of the Thai Society of Anti-aging and Regenerative Medicine
- Advisor, School of Anti-aging and Regenerative Medicine, Mae Fahluang University
- Chairman of Stem Cell Transplantation Working Group, Bureau of Health Administration Ministry of Public Health of Thailand
- Founder and Secretary General of the Thai Society of Cellular Therap
- Advisor and President of several stem cell and biotechnology companies
- Founder and President of several Anti-aging, Integrative, Holistic and Regenerative Medicine


Soul Pillar
Inventor of Soul & Life Transformation Programs, Sabah Malaysia / Sri Lanka

Speaker 1
Grandmaster Dr. Jes T.Y. Lim
"The Soul as the Blueprint of Human's Life"

Mental / Emotion Pillar
Inventor of Inner Works Transformation Program, Malaysia

Speaker 2
Mr. Luke Bong
"Master Your Emotions and Take Charge of Your Life"

Body Pillar
Director of UMS Hospital, Sabah, Malaysia

Speaker 3
Prof. Dr. Helen Lasimbang
"Modern Medicine's Role in Disease Prevention, Well-Being and Longevity"

Body Pillar
Inventor of Fuze Fitness, Sabah Malaysia

Speaker 4
Mdm Michelle Koh Ollerenshaw
"Body, Mind & Breath Synchronicity Workout for Overall Wellness"

Auric Field Pillar
Founder of Garden of Chi, Netherlands

Speaker 5
Miss Cosima Scheuten
"The Aura - The Invisible Force of Humanity"

Air Pillar
Master of Tibetan Breathing Yoga, Tibet/Germany

Speaker 6
Master Chumba Lama
"What is Breathing"

Water Pillar
CEO of Water & Light Applications India Pte. Ltd., India

Speaker 7
Mr. Madhusudan Rajagopalan
"The Significance of Coherent Water"

Food & Nutrition Pillar
Sabah Herbs & Inherited Remedies Researcher, Sabah Malaysia

Speaker 8
Dr. Amnah Abdullah
"The Art & Science of Healing through Traditional Delicacies"

Food & Nutrition Pillar
Complementary Medicine Director, DSY Wellness International Sdn Bhd

Speaker 9
Prof. (Adj) Dato' Sri Steve Yap
"How Functional Foods & Nutrients Help in Managing Chronic Health Problems"

People / Relationship Pillar
Executive Director of Lions Befrienders, Singapore

Speaker 10
Mdm Karen Wee
"How to Age Holistically based on World Health Organisation Model"

Home / Workplace Pillar
Founders of Global M&M Consulting Inc., Tokyo Japan

Speaker 11
Mr & Mrs Terry Shimada
Business Feng Shui Architectural Design

Environment Pillar
Chairperson of Building Biology International Association, Germany

Speaker 12
Mdm Pamela Jentner
"Immediate Surrounding Environmental Connectivity to Human's Health & Wellbeing (Building Biology)"
- The Conference’s main language medium is English. Malay, Chinese, German and Spanish translation will be provided at additional cost subject to minimum request of 20pax.
- Physical participation is recommended for the immersive Learn, Experience, Associate and Practice (LEAP) into a sustainable wholistic wellness lifestyle.
- Virtual participation is AVAILABLE only on the 8th of June 2024. For those who are unable to travel you may opt for this and purchase the recordings for the masterclasses.
- Please refer to Registration page for more information on pricing and terms & conditions.

During the Conference, the forum sessions will be discussing the following topics. Forum Panelist will be unveiled soon.
Forum 1
Resetting Your Life's Compass Post-Pandemic

Forum 2
How to Be Happy, Healthy, and Rich Living a Wholistic Lifestyle

Forum 3
How to Create Balance and Harmony in Work, Family and Society

- Each delegate can join a maximum of 4 Masterclasses.
- Physical participations can provide invaluable hands-on learning experience and connectivity with the speakers directly and is recommended for the immersive Learn, Experience, Associate and Practice (LEAP) into a sustainable wholistic wellness lifestyle.
- Recordings are available for purchase after the event. Target availability is 3 months after the event conclusion.
- Early registration is required to secure the seats. Please refer to Registration page for more information on pricing and terms & conditions.
Masterclasses Topics by Speakers/Pillars

Grandmaster Dr. Jes T.Y. Lim
Soul Transformation for Happier & Fulfilling Life

Mr. Luke Bong
Inner Work Transformation - The Key to Becoming Your Best Self

Prof. Dr. Helen Lasimbang
Achieving Wellness - Failure & Starting Over

Mdm. Michelle Koh Ollerenshaw
FUZE Fitness to Recovery

Miss Cosima Scheuten
The Masters Way of Healing Frequency Medicine as the Future Medicine

Master Chumba Lama
How to Breathe Correctly & The Benefits of Breathing Correctly Leading to a Happy Life!

Mr. Madhusudan Rajagopalan
Coherent Water, Health & Human Consciousness

Dr. Amnah Abdullah
Traditional Delicacies with Dr. Amnah

Prof. (Adj) Dato' Sri Steve Yap
How & Why Nutraceuticals from Food & Plants Help in Managing Cancer, Atherosclerosis, Diabetes, Hypertension & Hypercholesterolemia

Mdm. Karen Wee
How Seniors Age in Active Ageing Center Ecosystem Experience

Mr. & Mrs. Terry Shimada
How to Create Successful Home & Office

Mdm. Pamela Jentner
Understanding Building Biology Effects, Measurements, Applied Technology & Applications for Human's Sustainable Health & Wellness
Masterclass T1 (0830 - 1030)
- Speaker 1
- Speaker 4
- Speaker 9
Choose one Masterclass from this track. Note that these masterclasses run simultaneously.
Masterclass T2 (1050 - 1250)
- Speaker 2
- Speaker 6
- Speaker 10
Choose one Masterclass from this track. Note that these masterclasses run simultaneously.
Masterclass T3 (1420 - 1620)
- Speaker 3
- Speaker 7
- Speaker 11
Choose one Masterclass from this track. Note that these masterclasses run simultaneously.
Masterclass T4 (1640 - 1840)
- Speaker 5
- Speaker 8
- Speaker 12
Choose one Masterclass from this track. Note that these masterclasses run simultaneously.

10 Pillars of Exhibitors Promoting Sustainable Wholistic Wellness & Hover/Click on the Pillars for Profile of Exhibitors.

Spiritual & Esoteric Practitioners/Healers, Tarot Cards Readers, Angel Therapists, Mediums, Paranormal Investigator, Psychic Reading, Neutracon Therapists, Meditation Centres, etc

Mental / Emotion
Mental / Emotion
Psychologists, College/Universities, Government/Hospital, NLP & Mind/Emotion Practitioners, Therapists/Pathologists, Specialist for Autism, Mediators/Moderators, Music/Sound Therapists/Teachers, NGOs, etc

Fitness Coaches/Instructors, Yoga/ Aerial Yoga Instructor/Practitioners, Chiropractors, TCM Practitioners, Physiotherapists, Dancer/Body Builders, Hospitals/Medical Centres, Massage Therapists, Hospitals/Medical Centres, Body Care Specialists, Skin Care Specialists, Dental Care Specialists, Eye Care Specialists, Spas Operators, Health & Wellness Materials/Clothing Suppliers, Ministry of Health & TCM, etc.)

Auric Field/ Frequencies
Auric Field
Paranormal Investigators, Healers/Practitioners, Metaphysicians, Aura Photography Sellers / Services Providers, Energy Practitioners, Crystal Healers/Sellers, Singing Bowl Practitioners, Sound Therapists, etc.

Retreat Centres, Breathing Yoga Instructor / Practitioners, Airconditioning manufacturers/suppliers, Air purifiers/ionisers manufacturer/suppliers, Environmental Ministry, etc

Water filter manufacturer/suppliers, Water system manufacturer/suppliers, Herbal beverages manufacturers/suppliers, Milk Suppliers/Manufacturers, Healthy Beverages, Water Ministry, etc

Food & Nutrition
Food & Nutrition
Healthy F&B Sellers, Herbalists, Nutritionists, Supplements Suppliers, Pharmaceutical Companies, Dieticians, Healthy Eating Practitioners, Fruits Sellers, Agriculturist/Agriculture Ministry, Ministry of Health, etc

People / Relationship
People / Relationship
Family Planning/Consultants, Psychologists, Relationship Moderator/Mediator, Behavioural Analysts/Counsellors, Child Education, Family / Individual Transformation Consultants, Trainers for upskilling, communication, etc

Home / Workplace
Home / Workplace
Architects, Interior Designers, Property Developers, Feng Shui Masters / Practitioners, Healthy / Wellness Homes/Building Developers/Property Sellers, Township Planners, Green Contractors/Developers, Retreat Homes, Hotels & Wellness Hotels Industries, Old Folks Homes Developers/Operators, Assisted Living Homes Sellers, Land & Building Energy Transformation Consultants, Land & etc

Safety & Hazard Instructors/Trainers, Landscape Architects, Geomancy Consultants, Environment Training Centres/Preservations, Green & Healthy Environment Practitioners, ESG Consultants, Garden Planners/Consultants, Farming Developers/Consultants, Property Developers, Environmental Ministry, etc
Note: Free entrance to exhibition halls and its activities.

3 Days Conference
Day 1 (7th June 2024)
- IWWCE2024 Opening Ceremony
- Keynote Speaker
- Meet & Greet
- Time: 8.00am to 6.00pm
Day 2 (8th June 2024)
- Conference & Forum
- 12 Local and International Speakers
- Time: 8.00am to 6.00pm
Day 3 (9 June 2024)
- 12 Local and International Masterclass Speakers
- 3 concurrent Immersive Halls
For further details and tentative schedule please refer here.
Exhibition (7 - 9 June 2024)
- IWWCE 2024 Opening Ceremony on Friday, 7th June 2024
- IWWCE 2024 Closing Ceremony on Sunday, 9th June 2024.
- Exhibitors’ seminars/workshops & business matching throughout the 3 day event.
- Exhibition hall emcee for whole of 3 days and music entertainment.
- Lucky Draw for customers on all 3 days of the event for any purchase of RM50.00 per ticket. Exhibitors to issue Lucky Draw tickets to their customers.
- ‘Highest Voted Booth’ Contest starts on 7th June 2024 and ends on 8th June 2024. Winners of this Contest will be announced on late afternoon of 9th June 2024. Winners will be based on votes by the visitors.


In support of mental and emotional wellness, we call for everyone’s support to give donation to Befrienders Malaysia & Sabah Autism Society.
IWWCE 2024 is a recognised and approved event by Befrienders Malaysia & Sabah Autism Society to collect donations on their behalf.
Befrienders Malaysia & Sabah Autism Society
Befrienders Malaysia & Sabah Autism Society are both non-profit organisation with members of their board and all their team workers are volunteers. All activities and administration expenses are depending solely on public donation and sponsorships to achieve their Vision and Mission.
Everyone’s contribution is greatly valued and will definitely support lots of precious lives that get through to them. For more information about Befrienders Malaysia, they can be contacted at befrienders.malaysia1@gmail.com, while Sabah Autism Society at sabahautismsociety@gmail.com.